Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Espanol teacher.

So, I'm learning Spanish.


As my mother stated, I should be learning French or something I could use in Europe. Considering there could very well be an impending European voyage.

Of course I want to go to Southern & Central America, and use my Spanish. Oh, and la isla bonita. But mother may have a point...

And holy cow, Our teacher is interesting to say the least. Get this "If you're not going to make it to class please call me (on his landline) so ... " wait for it..... you think it's going to be something like so he knows how many people are coming etc, but no.. so "I don't waste photocopying".

Jesus. I'm all for saving trees, but let's face it. SAVE MONEY ON PHOTOCOPYING TWO MEASLY PIECES OF PAPER?! And hell the f o, I'd quite like the photocopies the following week should I actually miss a class.

Today I had the pleasure of studying colours off a photocopied piece off a black and white photocopy. KIND OF defeats the purpose wouldn't you say?

So yes, interesting. And every time I arrive this guy fires questions at us like we're fluent. I'm all WOAH HOLD UP BUDDY, can we back that truck up and perhaps do a quick recap from last week?

To top it all off there's a bloody write up on the guy who teaches at Wellington College n the paper today. Suppose that's what you get in THE HUTT.

Amarillo. Armadillo. NOT the same thing.

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