Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life. Job. Living. Working. AMBIGUITY.

So someone said to me today "Who cares, it's just a job- when you could be experiencing LIFE!" And that made me think..

What is life? And what does a JOB have to do with it?

Of course, we need a job to live. Fullstop. Money - makes the world go round and all that.

And we prefer the job we do to be one that brings us some enjoyment. No one wants to work a job they hate. We spend the most part of our life at work. 40 hours a week, makes sense for it to be a job you like, right?

SO - to obtain a job you like, you tend to put quite some effort into getting there... in fact you spend the majority of your LIFE studying for years to get the relevant qualification to be given a shot.

So really, it gets a bit murky this whole "it's just a job" "live your life" argument. Because they MERGE (and not like a zip).

I love my job. But I want to travel.

The risk adverse side of me is all "We're in a recession, you love your job, stay put!" Whereas the other half of me is like "It'll be a challenge! You can try something new! You'll be able to get a job! If you don't go now, you never will! Take a freaking chance!"


Too hard. I can't wait for my March horoscope on Astrologyzone! That's for sure.

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