Monday, February 16, 2009

Get over the Valentine whine!

Ok so, today I was chatting to a friend of mine who's single, and made a remark about Valentines Day being a stupid day to make single people feel more single.

I was like WHAT?! No way, it's awesome! You never know, you could have a secret admirer!

Then we started talking about crushes, and whether or not this friend of mine should send her crush a card. Hell yeah! I'm a huge fan of using V day to your advantage.

I mean, lets just look at it, without getting worried about what people might think, or read into it.

Valentines day, is the one day a year, when it's alright to tell someone you think they're cute. AND you can do it anonymously.

People can be all grinchy and cynical about it. But really, if they got a card in the mail that said "Happy Valentines Day, love your Secret Admirer!" they'd smile too! It's a NICE thing. A CUTE thing. And even if you don't get anything, the thought that you've sent something is kinda fun in itself! You know?

And if he does text and go "Did you send me a card?" You can choose whether or not to own up to it. Or you could just be like "yeah, I thought it was cute!". At the end of the day, if he thinks negatively of you for it (which I can't possibly see how anyone could) then it obviously wan't meant to be, and you didn't have anything to lose. If he too thinks it's cute (And who wouldn't appreciate it, or at least be flattered?) then it could lead to a date.

I say do it! throw caution into the wind and send him a card! Lifes too short to worry about looking "a dick" !

And the way I see it, if people just get over the whole cynicalism, and just enjoy it, then more people would recieve anonymous notes. People don't send them cause they pretend they don't like the day, it's a load of rubbish, but really, they're too worried what people might think about them!

Just do it! And I'm not just talking about grandiose expressions of love either. Send your friends a card, bake your mother cupcakes, whatever! Just have some fun. It's one special day a year where you can be cute as a button and do something nice for other people. Just because.

Maybe I'm wearing rose coloured glasses, but I just think it's a bit of fun, and doesn't need to be taken so seriously!

So there.

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