Monday, February 16, 2009

Pink hair you say?!

So, I'm lying here in bed trying to sleep, but all I can think about is how I wanna dye my hair pink. Yep, PINK.

A while ago my FABULOUS hairdresser ordered me in some RED dye for my locks. Which, I chickened out of. SORRY EMILY! I do still really want to do the red thing (Think Addison Montgomery), I'm just all too aware of the damage it'll do to my hair getting rid of it once I"m sick of it. And, I know the red will last for approximately 36 hours before it washes out and leaves me with a mishmash of red, pink and white. Not ideal.

I like my blonde, I really do, I'm just bored. Oh, so bored. And it was cooler when it was less common. I mean, ever since Lady Gaga, and Christina Aguilera discovered my facebook photos, and copied my hair cut and colour, it really hasn't been making the same impact.

And I LOVE pink. And thinking about it, if I do a soft, sort of candy floss pink colour, then it should be light enough to work with my skin tone, cope with the office, and once I'm sick of it, not be too god damn hard to get rid of... I hope...

And this won't be the first time I've dyed my hair pink. Oh no.. think Big Day Out 2000. Thanks Sarah D, you really did wonders with that Fudge Flamingo hair dye. Not so many thanks to my boss at Whitcoulls who ordered me to get rid of it or not come back to work. Hmm, I should've just quite in retrospect - obviously wasn't that smart back then. And in the efforts to "clarify" my hair of the pink, I even ended up with green hair for a while. Sorry locks.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get! Eeeeeek I can't wait! I texted Em, and it's my lucky day, she can do me on Thursday! OH. MY. GOD.

So that's it folks. My Valentines present to me this year, is PINK HAIR. I love me. I love pink. love love love love love love love it. I can't wait!

Just have to make sure it looks hot, and not scraggily, which is the severe threat with my long hair. Shall I chop it as well? ooooh could be exciting!

In the interest of research, I've found a few pictures of pink hair which I think are kinda cool. I'm instantly drawn to the bright dark pink, but I think the soft light pink is probably a safer bet job wise, and health of my hair wise. What do YOU guys think? Not that your opinion will change my mind... I'm gonna dye my hair pink, but you know, just incase you do have something intelligent to say, I'd like to hear it!

How about a vote!

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