Friday, February 27, 2009


So recently I dyed my hair PInk (shock horror!) And as scary as it was rinsing out the dye, and wondering what lay beneath.... I LOVED IT! Lookie, it was SOOOOOO cute!

My mother was all "You're a professional! What have you done?! You won't be taken seriously!" My boss, Anna, ws completely cool with it - she thought it was cute! At least that's what she said...My friends loved it (mostly).

But I hear that there were some higher powers in the workplace who weren't so hot on the topic...... God forbid a little individuality! What is it with workplaces being so scared of a little personal self expression? I mean for gawds sake.. it's just HAIR!

My boss had a chat to the other boss and the other boss, and kindly informed the shocked individuals of our "geeks and weirdos" policy - yes, we want to be the most DYNAMIC marketing team in NZ... so what is dynamic? Conforming to the "norm"? or breaking out a little? I'm a o with the last option.

Came across this quote, and agree whole heartedly.

“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night & day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; & never stop fighting.” — e e cummings

I walked down the street at the Cuba St Carnival, and roaming the bars at night and I had SO MANY people come up to me telling me they liked my hair. (And lots touching it too... minor euw!) But I totally dug the attention, and I fully felt like it was something special to ME.

Unfortunately the pink has washed back out to blonde again, and I miss it. Might have to try and think of some way to incorporate the pink in a way where it'll last longer, and not totally Eff my hair, cause it just made me so HAPPY!

And at the end of the day, feeling happy is really - the only thing that matters.


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