So someone said to me today "Who cares, it's just a job- when you could be experiencing LIFE!" And that made me think..
What is life? And what does a JOB have to do with it?
Of course, we need a job to live. Fullstop. Money - makes the world go round and all that.
And we prefer the job we do to be one that brings us some enjoyment. No one wants to work a job they hate. We spend the most part of our life at work. 40 hours a week, makes sense for it to be a job you like, right?
SO - to obtain a job you like, you tend to put quite some effort into getting there... in fact you spend the majority of your LIFE studying for years to get the relevant qualification to be given a shot.
So really, it gets a bit murky this whole "it's just a job" "live your life" argument. Because they MERGE (and not like a zip).
I love my job. But I want to travel.
The risk adverse side of me is all "We're in a recession, you love your job, stay put!" Whereas the other half of me is like "It'll be a challenge! You can try something new! You'll be able to get a job! If you don't go now, you never will! Take a freaking chance!"
Too hard. I can't wait for my March horoscope on Astrologyzone! That's for sure.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
So recently I dyed my hair PInk (shock horror!) And as scary as it was rinsing out the dye, and wondering what lay beneath.... I LOVED IT! Lookie, it was SOOOOOO cute!

My mother was all "You're a professional! What have you done?! You won't be taken seriously!" My boss, Anna, ws completely cool with it - she thought it was cute! At least that's what she said...My friends loved it (mostly).
But I hear that there were some higher powers in the workplace who weren't so hot on the topic...... God forbid a little individuality! What is it with workplaces being so scared of a little personal self expression? I mean for gawds sake.. it's just HAIR!
My boss had a chat to the other boss and the other boss, and kindly informed the shocked individuals of our "geeks and weirdos" policy - yes, we want to be the most DYNAMIC marketing team in NZ... so what is dynamic? Conforming to the "norm"? or breaking out a little? I'm a o with the last option.
Came across this quote, and agree whole heartedly.
“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night & day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; & never stop fighting.” — e e cummings
I walked down the street at the Cuba St Carnival, and roaming the bars at night and I had SO MANY people come up to me telling me they liked my hair. (And lots touching it too... minor euw!) But I totally dug the attention, and I fully felt like it was something special to ME.
Unfortunately the pink has washed back out to blonde again, and I miss it. Might have to try and think of some way to incorporate the pink in a way where it'll last longer, and not totally Eff my hair, cause it just made me so HAPPY!
And at the end of the day, feeling happy is really - the only thing that matters.
My mother was all "You're a professional! What have you done?! You won't be taken seriously!" My boss, Anna, ws completely cool with it - she thought it was cute! At least that's what she said...My friends loved it (mostly).
But I hear that there were some higher powers in the workplace who weren't so hot on the topic...... God forbid a little individuality! What is it with workplaces being so scared of a little personal self expression? I mean for gawds sake.. it's just HAIR!
My boss had a chat to the other boss and the other boss, and kindly informed the shocked individuals of our "geeks and weirdos" policy - yes, we want to be the most DYNAMIC marketing team in NZ... so what is dynamic? Conforming to the "norm"? or breaking out a little? I'm a o with the last option.
Came across this quote, and agree whole heartedly.
“To be nobody-but-yourself — in a world which is doing its best, night & day, to make you everybody else — means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; & never stop fighting.” — e e cummings
I walked down the street at the Cuba St Carnival, and roaming the bars at night and I had SO MANY people come up to me telling me they liked my hair. (And lots touching it too... minor euw!) But I totally dug the attention, and I fully felt like it was something special to ME.
Unfortunately the pink has washed back out to blonde again, and I miss it. Might have to try and think of some way to incorporate the pink in a way where it'll last longer, and not totally Eff my hair, cause it just made me so HAPPY!
And at the end of the day, feeling happy is really - the only thing that matters.
Flip Mino HD
OMG I want one of THESE!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
So I was talking, I mean texting, a friend on Tuesday night who sounded kinda down. He was eating Pizza, beer, and gangsta rap in the dark.
How does one eat gangsa rap? I hear you ask.. I asked the same. Turns out you can't eat gangsata rap! Silly.
So, yesterday, I thought I'd do a random act of kindness and send said friend a cupcake. So, along with the message "Because you can't eat gangsta rap.. but you can eat cupcakes.. a little something to brighten your week" went to cupcake to brighten his day.
...And it worked! Hoorah.
Who doesn't love cupcakes?!!!
How does one eat gangsa rap? I hear you ask.. I asked the same. Turns out you can't eat gangsata rap! Silly.
So, yesterday, I thought I'd do a random act of kindness and send said friend a cupcake. So, along with the message "Because you can't eat gangsta rap.. but you can eat cupcakes.. a little something to brighten your week" went to cupcake to brighten his day.
...And it worked! Hoorah.
Who doesn't love cupcakes?!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Espanol teacher.
So, I'm learning Spanish.
As my mother stated, I should be learning French or something I could use in Europe. Considering there could very well be an impending European voyage.
Of course I want to go to Southern & Central America, and use my Spanish. Oh, and la isla bonita. But mother may have a point...
And holy cow, Our teacher is interesting to say the least. Get this "If you're not going to make it to class please call me (on his landline) so ... " wait for it..... you think it's going to be something like so he knows how many people are coming etc, but no.. so "I don't waste photocopying".
Jesus. I'm all for saving trees, but let's face it. SAVE MONEY ON PHOTOCOPYING TWO MEASLY PIECES OF PAPER?! And hell the f o, I'd quite like the photocopies the following week should I actually miss a class.
Today I had the pleasure of studying colours off a photocopied piece off a black and white photocopy. KIND OF defeats the purpose wouldn't you say?
So yes, interesting. And every time I arrive this guy fires questions at us like we're fluent. I'm all WOAH HOLD UP BUDDY, can we back that truck up and perhaps do a quick recap from last week?
To top it all off there's a bloody write up on the guy who teaches at Wellington College n the paper today. Suppose that's what you get in THE HUTT.
Amarillo. Armadillo. NOT the same thing.
As my mother stated, I should be learning French or something I could use in Europe. Considering there could very well be an impending European voyage.
Of course I want to go to Southern & Central America, and use my Spanish. Oh, and la isla bonita. But mother may have a point...
And holy cow, Our teacher is interesting to say the least. Get this "If you're not going to make it to class please call me (on his landline) so ... " wait for it..... you think it's going to be something like so he knows how many people are coming etc, but no.. so "I don't waste photocopying".
Jesus. I'm all for saving trees, but let's face it. SAVE MONEY ON PHOTOCOPYING TWO MEASLY PIECES OF PAPER?! And hell the f o, I'd quite like the photocopies the following week should I actually miss a class.
Today I had the pleasure of studying colours off a photocopied piece off a black and white photocopy. KIND OF defeats the purpose wouldn't you say?
So yes, interesting. And every time I arrive this guy fires questions at us like we're fluent. I'm all WOAH HOLD UP BUDDY, can we back that truck up and perhaps do a quick recap from last week?
To top it all off there's a bloody write up on the guy who teaches at Wellington College n the paper today. Suppose that's what you get in THE HUTT.
Amarillo. Armadillo. NOT the same thing.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Get over the Valentine whine!
Ok so, today I was chatting to a friend of mine who's single, and made a remark about Valentines Day being a stupid day to make single people feel more single.
I was like WHAT?! No way, it's awesome! You never know, you could have a secret admirer!
Then we started talking about crushes, and whether or not this friend of mine should send her crush a card. Hell yeah! I'm a huge fan of using V day to your advantage.
I mean, lets just look at it, without getting worried about what people might think, or read into it.
Valentines day, is the one day a year, when it's alright to tell someone you think they're cute. AND you can do it anonymously.
People can be all grinchy and cynical about it. But really, if they got a card in the mail that said "Happy Valentines Day, love your Secret Admirer!" they'd smile too! It's a NICE thing. A CUTE thing. And even if you don't get anything, the thought that you've sent something is kinda fun in itself! You know?
And if he does text and go "Did you send me a card?" You can choose whether or not to own up to it. Or you could just be like "yeah, I thought it was cute!". At the end of the day, if he thinks negatively of you for it (which I can't possibly see how anyone could) then it obviously wan't meant to be, and you didn't have anything to lose. If he too thinks it's cute (And who wouldn't appreciate it, or at least be flattered?) then it could lead to a date.
I say do it! throw caution into the wind and send him a card! Lifes too short to worry about looking "a dick" !
And the way I see it, if people just get over the whole cynicalism, and just enjoy it, then more people would recieve anonymous notes. People don't send them cause they pretend they don't like the day, it's a load of rubbish, but really, they're too worried what people might think about them!
Just do it! And I'm not just talking about grandiose expressions of love either. Send your friends a card, bake your mother cupcakes, whatever! Just have some fun. It's one special day a year where you can be cute as a button and do something nice for other people. Just because.
Maybe I'm wearing rose coloured glasses, but I just think it's a bit of fun, and doesn't need to be taken so seriously!
So there.
I was like WHAT?! No way, it's awesome! You never know, you could have a secret admirer!
Then we started talking about crushes, and whether or not this friend of mine should send her crush a card. Hell yeah! I'm a huge fan of using V day to your advantage.
I mean, lets just look at it, without getting worried about what people might think, or read into it.
Valentines day, is the one day a year, when it's alright to tell someone you think they're cute. AND you can do it anonymously.
People can be all grinchy and cynical about it. But really, if they got a card in the mail that said "Happy Valentines Day, love your Secret Admirer!" they'd smile too! It's a NICE thing. A CUTE thing. And even if you don't get anything, the thought that you've sent something is kinda fun in itself! You know?
And if he does text and go "Did you send me a card?" You can choose whether or not to own up to it. Or you could just be like "yeah, I thought it was cute!". At the end of the day, if he thinks negatively of you for it (which I can't possibly see how anyone could) then it obviously wan't meant to be, and you didn't have anything to lose. If he too thinks it's cute (And who wouldn't appreciate it, or at least be flattered?) then it could lead to a date.
I say do it! throw caution into the wind and send him a card! Lifes too short to worry about looking "a dick" !
And the way I see it, if people just get over the whole cynicalism, and just enjoy it, then more people would recieve anonymous notes. People don't send them cause they pretend they don't like the day, it's a load of rubbish, but really, they're too worried what people might think about them!
Just do it! And I'm not just talking about grandiose expressions of love either. Send your friends a card, bake your mother cupcakes, whatever! Just have some fun. It's one special day a year where you can be cute as a button and do something nice for other people. Just because.
Maybe I'm wearing rose coloured glasses, but I just think it's a bit of fun, and doesn't need to be taken so seriously!
So there.
Pink hair you say?!

So, I'm lying here in bed trying to sleep, but all I can think about is how I wanna dye my hair pink. Yep, PINK.
A while ago my FABULOUS hairdresser ordered me in some RED dye for my locks. Which, I chickened out of. SORRY EMILY! I do still really want to do the red thing (Think Addison Montgomery), I'm just all too aware of the damage it'll do to my hair getting rid of it once I"m sick of it. And, I know the red will last for approximately 36 hours before it washes out and leaves me with a mishmash of red, pink and white. Not ideal.
I like my blonde, I really do, I'm just bored. Oh, so bored. And it was cooler when it was less common. I mean, ever since Lady Gaga, and Christina Aguilera discovered my facebook photos, and copied my hair cut and colour, it really hasn't been making the same impact.
And I LOVE pink. And thinking about it, if I do a soft, sort of candy floss pink colour, then it should be light enough to work with my skin tone, cope with the office, and once I'm sick of it, not be too god damn hard to get rid of... I hope...
And this won't be the first time I've dyed my hair pink. Oh no.. think Big Day Out 2000. Thanks Sarah D, you really did wonders with that Fudge Flamingo hair dye. Not so many thanks to my boss at Whitcoulls who ordered me to get rid of it or not come back to work. Hmm, I should've just quite in retrospect - obviously wasn't that smart back then. And in the efforts to "clarify" my hair of the pink, I even ended up with green hair for a while. Sorry locks.
The more I think about it, the more excited I get! Eeeeeek I can't wait! I texted Em, and it's my lucky day, she can do me on Thursday! OH. MY. GOD.
So that's it folks. My Valentines present to me this year, is PINK HAIR. I love me. I love pink. love love love love love love love it. I can't wait!
Just have to make sure it looks hot, and not scraggily, which is the severe threat with my long hair. Shall I chop it as well? ooooh could be exciting!
In the interest of research, I've found a few pictures of pink hair which I think are kinda cool. I'm instantly drawn to the bright dark pink, but I think the soft light pink is probably a safer bet job wise, and health of my hair wise. What do YOU guys think? Not that your opinion will change my mind... I'm gonna dye my hair pink, but you know, just incase you do have something intelligent to say, I'd like to hear it!
How about a vote!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Stupid Cupid?!!

Once again I'm facing the impending Valentines Day alone. And I'm fine with it. I actually find it super exciting. More exciting than when you have a "partner" even. I always do. I love waiting, seeing if anyone sends me anything! Sure, come the end of the day I might be lamenting the lack of love in my life over a few vinos, but the day itself holds a seemingly unending pothole of possibilities.
Does someone out there have a crush on me? Will I get a letter? Oh my gosh, should I send him something?!
The whole gift giving side of it is AMAZING. I love giving presents! Especially surprise presents that people don't know they're getting. And what better excuse to give someone a present than Valentines Day? If it's just a friend, to brighten their day. Or if it's someone you actually kinda fancy - I mean, Valentines Day is specifically for telling someone you like them, right? It's Cupids party, so we should help him out!
I still remember being at school in America. Ah, America, where they do everything in style. In the weeks leading up to Valentines day we had a mailbox in our classroom. And, we had time each day to work on our valentines cards. There were doilies, and red crayons everywhere. When we made a card, we put it in the "mailbox". And on Valentines Day the teacher delivered all our cards. It was AWESOME! I so so so wish we could do that still. Perhaps I'll suggest it at work. Hmmm..
It's so nice getting a message from someone, it doesn't have to be "I love you" it can just be "Dear Ani, you're so much fun, I love our lunch dates, love Elmo". for example!
This year I'm planning to catch up with girlfriends for Brunch - YAY Belinda, can't wait! Check out the free show at Frankitts park, sounds like a blast! And party with my nearest and dearest and celebrate the fact that I have friends who I love!!!! (Corny?!) I might even do a bit of a Valentines delivery run in the morning. Make myself a mix tape and take to the streets armed with cupcakes and other valentines themed paraphernalia
So many people are Valentines grinches. Blaming consumerism and saying it's just a ploy for shops to make money, why should we only celebrate love one day of the year? Well, OK... but why purposely defy the day set out for love just because you want to celebrate it more often? Doesn't make sense if you ask me. And if you DO have a girlfriend, no matter if she says "It's cool, we don't "do" Valentines, it's a waste of money" She WILL be disappointed when she doesn't get so much as a kiss on the cheek and a hand picked flower which is slowly dying 'cause you forgot to put it in water to kepp it alive till she got home.
You don't have to spend money on Valentines day. There's plenty you can do for free or for very little money, gift and activity wise.
But if you are cool with spending money, here's a lit of valentines inspired things I think are pretty darn neat!
On oldie, but a goodie - The Chocolate Cake Company do Valentines Day cupcakes, delivered straight to your lover/friend/crush 's door. Yum yum yum!
This "Think wonderful thoughts" bracelet is actually kinda ugly - but I really like the idea.
Dita Von Teese teamed up with Wonderbra to create a line of lingerie, and I WANT this bra. A lot.
Oh my god. I LOVE Peter Alexander. And I LOVE LOVE his new Hollywood Couture range . Especially the Bustier shirt & Glam Pencil Skirt. I also love the models hair. Perhaps I should give mine a bit of a chop. Hmm
Check out the full hollywood glam catalogue here
Say it with a kiss, a HERSHEYS KISS! That is so cute. I want one!
I still really really covet the "that's my name" necklace like Carrie Bradshaw sported throughout SATC. Except my one will read "Anilicious"
And in Coca cola font? Even cooler!
Haha, might have to slip this into a friends handbag to brighten her day!
Right, I'm gonna breed me some love bunnies.
Personalised condoms?
Valentines is a saturday this year. I can totally imagine handing out condoms with my picture and phone number on them. Like a business card.. but useful!
Conversation hearts are apparently the world's most popular valentine candy! Oh my! And if you go here, you can make your very own conversation heart! The picture... not the candy. Close enough.
I think these are super cool.
And even though I don't live with my partner, or have a partner for that matter, and can't decorate our "love nest" with them, I'm seriously considering brightening up my desk at work with them!

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