Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Yew Kay

So, just got off the phone with my darling Jonny who's in the UK. We talked for like, an hour and twenty minutes. God! Time sure does fly when you're having fun huh!

He had a lot to say about the weather, mainly that it was SHIT! And dark, and he finds winter in the UK to be just about the most depressing thing ever.

He confirmed the shitness of the job market over there too. God. Last thing I need is for myself to actually finally make it over there on my big OE (which, lets face it, has been a LONG time coming) only to find it impossible to gain employment. I'd like to think that because I"m well educated, hard working, kiwi, with citizenship that I wouldn't have a problem. But I don't knwo that for sure - and apparently they're really narrow mnded over there. For instance Jonny had experience in Life Insurance, and wanted to branch out into general insurance. But apparently that was a no go! Sheesh.

He's also given me soemthing to investigate re: Russia. Ever since reading the Bronze Horseman (Thanks SHaron) I've been in love with Lenningrad (St Petersburg) and am dying to see it. But according to Jonny you can only go to Russia on a tour. Hmmmm I'm sure that's not the case, but what do I know eh? Will keep you posted if i find out different.

Did a budget the other day working out how much money I'll have by June, and it's not looking too bad actually. Must really stop spending though. As often as I say that. It never actually happens. FUCK, I have a severe problem. And I have too many clothes. Seriously, how much crap can one girl own? It's a feat in itself. Surely I deserve some sort of award? Need to photograph and become one with Trademe.

Georgie took me to the gym today, Gotta love that girl. Without her I'd probably spend every waking minute free in bed. But no, went to Le mIll, did Step for the first time in AGES, laughed my ass off when George went the wrong way, sat out the last session cause the trainer was on something, and nothing made sense. But felt good! I'm certainly a lot less fit than I used to be, which is a bugger, but I LOVED the feel of my new trackpants! Mmmmm climacool! I wasn't even hot. Amazing.

Need to stat training for upcoming duathlon. Shit, I better register for that too.

Last night was meant to go to Sarah's bday in town, had been looking forward to it all week.. even bought new dress! (bad Anilicious). But push came to shove, I had a nap, and didn't wake up in time! ARGH FOMO!

Next weekend I will NOT go to the Hutt on Friday night, and I WILL go to town on Saturday! Mark my words!

Pay day this wed, and it can't come soon enough. Yussss!

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