Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Booze, Boys, and more Booze.

Dressing up, dancing, drinking… flirting?

So, we've come to the end of a long weekend. And what a weekend it was! I managed to get myself completely written off on Friday night. Went along to one of the free concerts at the Botanical gardens and had a brilliant time. A few vinos with my girlfriends, a few more with my partyboys. I'm a total fag hag right now. Honestly, there's no other way to put it.

People keep saying "You'll never score if you keep hanging out with gay boys" And I say yeah, but at least I'll have a good time! Cause if anyone knows how to party, it's those boys. And I freaking love partying with them!

But… that said, may have partied slightly too hard, when after I don't know how many glasses of wine, dancing front and centre stage, pointing to Rosita and screaming "Rosita we love you!" Displaying my fine gymnast skills in the form of Rolly polly ing all over the park, and finding a random man with a guitar to play while I sang for him, Putting on Bekah's headphones, and serenading Dane with which was quite possibly the most horrific rendition of Mariah Carey's Always be my Baby I decided it was still a good idea to go to town. Bad call. BAD CALL. (I know the song was horrific, rebekah has it on video. Oh Joy.).

So the bad call, why so bad you ask? I'll tell you. I was headed to town to meet a couple of guys I don't know very well. Basic laws of social intelligence state that when you don't know someone very well, it's usually a good idea to be coherent. Ok, ok, so I wasn't THAT bad (I hope), but I was pretty cut. And they weren't. recipie for disaster right there. I think the evening started off relatively "well".. Just didn't end up so rosy. When after Rebekah bailing to go home, and guy 2 bailling to go home, I packed a tanty. That's right, I actually acted like a three year old and SULKED. "Hello, my name's Anilicious, and I act like a complete retard, bet you had fun hanging out with me!" Turns out he didn't. And who could blame him really? If someone acted like that around me I'd probably be more inclined to stay home and watch the History channel than go out and see him again.

So after said tantrum packing, I went with guy 1 to Lotus, bought a drink, and promptly decided I needed to be horizontal, and I needed it NOW. So seeing as I still live at home in the Hutt Valley (Quite fitting seeing as I am apparently three years old) I somehow managed to convince guy one to let me stay at his place, then get a free ride home in the morning. You know, rather than shelling out circa 80 hard earned bucks for a cab home.

In hindsight, that was a pretty bad call too. Guys talk, we know this. Even though NOTHING happened with Guy 1, Guy 2 is going to no doubt think that it did. So there we go then. Need to learn how to ruin all chances with a possible love interest? I'm avaliable for lessons.

Saturday cemented the bad call when guy 2 kindly told me I could do my own thing. Ha.

Then Sunday was TK Day. Awesome. Friends, sun, wine, Uncle Monkey (I love Steve, I love Steve, I love Steve! - Thanks Ronnie, you rock!) Came back to my garage and played Guitar Hero, Buzz and singstar. FUN TIMES for sure.

Monday night I may have just managed to score a potential date to rectify my drunkeness on Friday. Have to think of something different though.... tough work coming up with an interesting activity for two people who don't relaly know each other very well to do. But watch this space!

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