Friday, January 23, 2009

I am your dream woman!

You know how in movies they often have that girl, the one who's super hot, super cool, tight and taut, someone's car breaks down and she struts up, donning her butt skimming daisy suke denimn shorts, there's steam coming off the radiator forming the perfect background while she flicks her long golden hair back as she bends down to take a look. Turns out she grew up hanging round Daaddy's garage and knows cars inside and out, has the car going in seconds.

Yeah, you know the one. I always wanted to be her. Oh, how I'd make the boys drool!

Hmmm, or maybe I just wanted to look as good as they did in those shorts?

Whatever it was, there's something about a woman who knows her way around a car. I'm not that woman. DOn't get me wrong, i"m not a total tard when it comes to car-sense, I've been driving for 11 years now, and I wasn't allowed out of the driveway till I knew how to change a tyre & check the oil. You know, the basics. I've even done my time working in a Car Rental company for god's sakes. I mean, I know my Audi from my Ford. In a manner of speaking.

And, not blowing my own trumpet, but you'd be hard pressed to point out a car to me and have me not able to name it. I mean, I take a genuine interest in cars themselves. God, I want nothing more than to own a real m'coy old school American car one day. Give me a Chevvy and I'll smile ear to ear. Or a Caddy. Either or thanks, see ya later! Cherry red at that thanks.

Anyway - point of the story is, my little friend Cindy (the Celica) has been a bit sick lately. And by sick, I kind of mean dead! I drove to the mall the other day all ablaze to get goodies for my fascinator creation. Stopped dilligently at the Dairy to grab a V, hopped back in the car, and no go.

Dad came to my rescue. Battery wasn't flat, she was turning over, just not catching. Didn't seem flooded, sparkplug was firing. So what's wrong?! Lovely Chris from the AA (No, not the alcy kind) Informs me there's an oil leak under the rocket cover interfereing with the sparkplugs, and to get the leak fixed next time I get a warrant.

Seems simple enough. Car goes, Thanks Chris!

Fast forward to the next day. Drive to work, go to work, finish work, get in car, same story. Call the AA, and this guy gives me a different story.. apparently its something to do with my feul not being released. Fixed with a clamp, and some elixer.

So, this morning, I realise driving would be ambitious, but I"m late, I have little choice. I talk to Cindy during our drive in, trying to coerce her into playing nice and starting for me on the ride home. Finish work, walk to car, pray to the people in the clouds, climb in..... no go.


Try again... negative. So, I do the obvious. Turn the key, press lightly on the gas, turn the key, turn the key. Stop. Swear. Turn the kay. stop. Talk to Cindy. Turn the key. Call the AA.

Whilst on hold tot he AA, I decide to try my luck under the bonnet. SO off I go, ply with the carborator, clamp down on the black thing the dude played with yesterday. Then try again. Turn the key........... no. Put about an inch on the gas....... no. Hold foot on gas for longer than have before, lo and behold SHE GOES!

Oh my! The JOY! Sorted. And I"m proud of myself.

Because that, my friends, is true mechanical prowess! And as far as I'm concerned, I AM that girl from the film.

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