Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Hoop.

So I did it.

I bought a Hula Hoop!

Now how the FRICK do I make it work? I think it's faulty! haha. Apparently the secret is not to move too much. But tell me... how does one NOT move while one is attempting to maintain movement in said hoop?!

I'm not sure. But I"m sure I can figure it out...... Hmmm, perhaps "sure" is the wrong word. I HOPE I can figure it out!

Will post progress as my hula skills improve. IF they improve.

The hoops bright fluro pink, so I'm hoping it will lure me into it's charms with it's glorious colour.

Here goes...

Friday, January 23, 2009

I am your dream woman!

You know how in movies they often have that girl, the one who's super hot, super cool, tight and taut, someone's car breaks down and she struts up, donning her butt skimming daisy suke denimn shorts, there's steam coming off the radiator forming the perfect background while she flicks her long golden hair back as she bends down to take a look. Turns out she grew up hanging round Daaddy's garage and knows cars inside and out, has the car going in seconds.

Yeah, you know the one. I always wanted to be her. Oh, how I'd make the boys drool!

Hmmm, or maybe I just wanted to look as good as they did in those shorts?

Whatever it was, there's something about a woman who knows her way around a car. I'm not that woman. DOn't get me wrong, i"m not a total tard when it comes to car-sense, I've been driving for 11 years now, and I wasn't allowed out of the driveway till I knew how to change a tyre & check the oil. You know, the basics. I've even done my time working in a Car Rental company for god's sakes. I mean, I know my Audi from my Ford. In a manner of speaking.

And, not blowing my own trumpet, but you'd be hard pressed to point out a car to me and have me not able to name it. I mean, I take a genuine interest in cars themselves. God, I want nothing more than to own a real m'coy old school American car one day. Give me a Chevvy and I'll smile ear to ear. Or a Caddy. Either or thanks, see ya later! Cherry red at that thanks.

Anyway - point of the story is, my little friend Cindy (the Celica) has been a bit sick lately. And by sick, I kind of mean dead! I drove to the mall the other day all ablaze to get goodies for my fascinator creation. Stopped dilligently at the Dairy to grab a V, hopped back in the car, and no go.

Dad came to my rescue. Battery wasn't flat, she was turning over, just not catching. Didn't seem flooded, sparkplug was firing. So what's wrong?! Lovely Chris from the AA (No, not the alcy kind) Informs me there's an oil leak under the rocket cover interfereing with the sparkplugs, and to get the leak fixed next time I get a warrant.

Seems simple enough. Car goes, Thanks Chris!

Fast forward to the next day. Drive to work, go to work, finish work, get in car, same story. Call the AA, and this guy gives me a different story.. apparently its something to do with my feul not being released. Fixed with a clamp, and some elixer.

So, this morning, I realise driving would be ambitious, but I"m late, I have little choice. I talk to Cindy during our drive in, trying to coerce her into playing nice and starting for me on the ride home. Finish work, walk to car, pray to the people in the clouds, climb in..... no go.


Try again... negative. So, I do the obvious. Turn the key, press lightly on the gas, turn the key, turn the key. Stop. Swear. Turn the kay. stop. Talk to Cindy. Turn the key. Call the AA.

Whilst on hold tot he AA, I decide to try my luck under the bonnet. SO off I go, ply with the carborator, clamp down on the black thing the dude played with yesterday. Then try again. Turn the key........... no. Put about an inch on the gas....... no. Hold foot on gas for longer than have before, lo and behold SHE GOES!

Oh my! The JOY! Sorted. And I"m proud of myself.

Because that, my friends, is true mechanical prowess! And as far as I'm concerned, I AM that girl from the film.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Booze, Boys, and more Booze.

Dressing up, dancing, drinking… flirting?

So, we've come to the end of a long weekend. And what a weekend it was! I managed to get myself completely written off on Friday night. Went along to one of the free concerts at the Botanical gardens and had a brilliant time. A few vinos with my girlfriends, a few more with my partyboys. I'm a total fag hag right now. Honestly, there's no other way to put it.

People keep saying "You'll never score if you keep hanging out with gay boys" And I say yeah, but at least I'll have a good time! Cause if anyone knows how to party, it's those boys. And I freaking love partying with them!

But… that said, may have partied slightly too hard, when after I don't know how many glasses of wine, dancing front and centre stage, pointing to Rosita and screaming "Rosita we love you!" Displaying my fine gymnast skills in the form of Rolly polly ing all over the park, and finding a random man with a guitar to play while I sang for him, Putting on Bekah's headphones, and serenading Dane with which was quite possibly the most horrific rendition of Mariah Carey's Always be my Baby I decided it was still a good idea to go to town. Bad call. BAD CALL. (I know the song was horrific, rebekah has it on video. Oh Joy.).

So the bad call, why so bad you ask? I'll tell you. I was headed to town to meet a couple of guys I don't know very well. Basic laws of social intelligence state that when you don't know someone very well, it's usually a good idea to be coherent. Ok, ok, so I wasn't THAT bad (I hope), but I was pretty cut. And they weren't. recipie for disaster right there. I think the evening started off relatively "well".. Just didn't end up so rosy. When after Rebekah bailing to go home, and guy 2 bailling to go home, I packed a tanty. That's right, I actually acted like a three year old and SULKED. "Hello, my name's Anilicious, and I act like a complete retard, bet you had fun hanging out with me!" Turns out he didn't. And who could blame him really? If someone acted like that around me I'd probably be more inclined to stay home and watch the History channel than go out and see him again.

So after said tantrum packing, I went with guy 1 to Lotus, bought a drink, and promptly decided I needed to be horizontal, and I needed it NOW. So seeing as I still live at home in the Hutt Valley (Quite fitting seeing as I am apparently three years old) I somehow managed to convince guy one to let me stay at his place, then get a free ride home in the morning. You know, rather than shelling out circa 80 hard earned bucks for a cab home.

In hindsight, that was a pretty bad call too. Guys talk, we know this. Even though NOTHING happened with Guy 1, Guy 2 is going to no doubt think that it did. So there we go then. Need to learn how to ruin all chances with a possible love interest? I'm avaliable for lessons.

Saturday cemented the bad call when guy 2 kindly told me I could do my own thing. Ha.

Then Sunday was TK Day. Awesome. Friends, sun, wine, Uncle Monkey (I love Steve, I love Steve, I love Steve! - Thanks Ronnie, you rock!) Came back to my garage and played Guitar Hero, Buzz and singstar. FUN TIMES for sure.

Monday night I may have just managed to score a potential date to rectify my drunkeness on Friday. Have to think of something different though.... tough work coming up with an interesting activity for two people who don't relaly know each other very well to do. But watch this space!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Yew Kay

So, just got off the phone with my darling Jonny who's in the UK. We talked for like, an hour and twenty minutes. God! Time sure does fly when you're having fun huh!

He had a lot to say about the weather, mainly that it was SHIT! And dark, and he finds winter in the UK to be just about the most depressing thing ever.

He confirmed the shitness of the job market over there too. God. Last thing I need is for myself to actually finally make it over there on my big OE (which, lets face it, has been a LONG time coming) only to find it impossible to gain employment. I'd like to think that because I"m well educated, hard working, kiwi, with citizenship that I wouldn't have a problem. But I don't knwo that for sure - and apparently they're really narrow mnded over there. For instance Jonny had experience in Life Insurance, and wanted to branch out into general insurance. But apparently that was a no go! Sheesh.

He's also given me soemthing to investigate re: Russia. Ever since reading the Bronze Horseman (Thanks SHaron) I've been in love with Lenningrad (St Petersburg) and am dying to see it. But according to Jonny you can only go to Russia on a tour. Hmmmm I'm sure that's not the case, but what do I know eh? Will keep you posted if i find out different.

Did a budget the other day working out how much money I'll have by June, and it's not looking too bad actually. Must really stop spending though. As often as I say that. It never actually happens. FUCK, I have a severe problem. And I have too many clothes. Seriously, how much crap can one girl own? It's a feat in itself. Surely I deserve some sort of award? Need to photograph and become one with Trademe.

Georgie took me to the gym today, Gotta love that girl. Without her I'd probably spend every waking minute free in bed. But no, went to Le mIll, did Step for the first time in AGES, laughed my ass off when George went the wrong way, sat out the last session cause the trainer was on something, and nothing made sense. But felt good! I'm certainly a lot less fit than I used to be, which is a bugger, but I LOVED the feel of my new trackpants! Mmmmm climacool! I wasn't even hot. Amazing.

Need to stat training for upcoming duathlon. Shit, I better register for that too.

Last night was meant to go to Sarah's bday in town, had been looking forward to it all week.. even bought new dress! (bad Anilicious). But push came to shove, I had a nap, and didn't wake up in time! ARGH FOMO!

Next weekend I will NOT go to the Hutt on Friday night, and I WILL go to town on Saturday! Mark my words!

Pay day this wed, and it can't come soon enough. Yussss!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Man oh man do I love shoes!

I really love shoes. REALLY.

I know I'm not alone in this adorment either. Lots of ladies love shoes. But it's a love that is slightly worrying me.

With travel on the agenda at some stage, I'm starting to fret... how will I transport my many pairs of gorgeous shoes from little old NZ to the other side of the world? Quite obviously, I can't take every pair. But of course I must have a few pairs for options. For starters I'll need the basics:

- Work shoes (Covered toes, heels)
- Jandals (for that trip to the meddeteranian)
- Party Shoes (Of which I'll need a few. Leopard print, pink, black, and gold)
- Gym shoes
- Day time kick around shoes
- formal flats
- Boots

That's 7 genres. Am I missing any? Probably. But at this rate I'm going to need a suitcase devoted entirely to shoes. Which, if I was Victoria Beckham, or one of the girls of the Playboy mansion, wouldn't be a problem. But alas - I'm neither. And as such, a problem is posed.

I went to the Country road sale today, and managed to come out with a pair of high heeled sandals. oh they're gorge. yousee the pair I bough tthere last month are just too high. These are still high, but a more achievable height for everyday wear. I find I can't actually last in the original pair for more than an hour. But it's ok, because they make my legs look AMAZING. And so it's a pain I will power through.

My knees are giving way though, a direct result of a high heel obsession. This is not ideal. I refuse to stop wearing heels. Without them I look fat and stocky. With them I feel a million bucks. What would you do? Seriously now... wear the "healthy" ones, or wear the ones which make you feel good?

Anyway, have experienced sever PPCD (Post purchase cognitive dissonance) and am as such about to embark on a return journey to Country Road to ask for a refund. genevieve has kindly agreed to be my support person on this trip, and for that I thank her! have never been so good at asking for refunds from cfancy shops. Feel horrid!

Monday, January 5, 2009

So here it is.

My new blog. I'm gonna nurture it like a baby. Watch it grow. Feed it, love it. Make it wonderful.

Finally figured out how to customise this puppy.. so now I"m onto it. Need to find photos and quotes, and the perfect words.

Soon enough we shall see.

Hello 2009, I can't wait to get stuck in!