Saturday, May 19, 2012

I"m baaaack!


That last post was years ago.. literally, YEARS ago! 2009? We're now in 2012! Time sure flies huh.

I've been looking for the motivation to blog properly for a long time, and I can't guarantee I've found it yet, but my gorgeous friend Erica is all over the blogosphere right now, she's even opened her own etsy! So I'm feeling inspired to keep it up, even if just for myself to look back on what I've been up to - kinda wishing I'd kept a track of all my London adventures, but something tells me there's going to be more to come!

I feel like I should "fill in the gap" from 2009 till now.. but let's face it, that's all a bit too hard basket. Topline we're talking about: Got a job at RBS, made heaps of great friends, drank loads, discovered I like rose wine, red wine, & cider, went to Paris, Croatia, Berlin, Spain, Holland, Milan, Morocco, Ibiza, Copenhagen, Barcelona, and lots more other places I can't remember off the top of my head, got a new job at Visa, said goodbye to old friends, made more new friends, drank way too much, Got another new job at an agency, went to Greece, got old, and the list goes on...

Watch this space for hopefully more frequent mildly exciting updates..

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