So I did it. I left home. I left Lower Hutt. Lower effing Hutt.
Oh, Lower Effing Hutt will always hold a special place in my heart. But I'm yet to be convinced that I could be entirely content there. Here I am on the other side of the world, and yeah, you know what, I do miss "home".. But I think a lot of that is to do with the fact I currently don't have a home. That's right people, I'm ACTUALLY homeless.
And what's wierd about the whole thing is, the people I thought I could count on, the friends I thought would be sweet as to stay with, are the very ones who haven't really, not REALLY come through for me. Whereas other people have been absolute lifesavers.
Anyway. Am currently spending my time trying to a) figure out where I'm going to spend the next night b) not spend any money and c) find a freaking job.
I'm told August is a hard month as everyone's on summer holidays, so fingers crossed there. But am having serious trouble with annoying recruiters who won't put me forward for the roles I really want cause all I have is banking experience. My skills are TRANSFERRABLE people!
Well, there's my little rant. But you know what, there's something sort of "freeing" about this whole thing. I have no home, I'm an actual Nomad. I've travelled through LA, Phoenix, Vegas, Hollywood, London, Bristol, Paris, Switzerland, Nice, Rome, Venice, Florence, Austria, Amsterdam, Berlin, Edinburgh, and now Ireland.. and it's AMAZING.
I love it. My only wish is I didn't have debt tying me down. Without it I'd keep travelling. Pick fruit to get through each day. Not worry so much. It's simply my credit card payments which are making me fret, Ineed to get a job so I can pay them. Whereas, I'm actually quite happy just floating.
And wait for it... I wish I didn't have so many clothes! Oh my god. I have way too much crap. I want to post it all home and just pack a backpack and TRAVEL! I love it. It's liberating.
I wish Rebekah would pack up and join me, but I've come to terms with the fact she's happy at home and obviously doesn't want this anymore, and I miss her, but I'm still REALLY enjoying life. Loving it.
So, fingers crossed I won't be H & U for much longer, and savings are on. I've started this travelling thing, I never want to stop!
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